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Employees Expect Professional Development

In today’s competitive business environment, organizations need to invest in professional development for their employees if they want to remain competitive and successful. Professional development is the process of employees acquiring new skills and knowledge in order to improve their performance and contribute to the organization’s goals. Investing in professional development for employees can pay off in many ways, from increased productivity and employee satisfaction to improved customer service and greater profitability.

According to a recent Gallup poll, 87% of millennials stated that receiving professional development was important to them1 while a LinkedIn survey reports 94% of employees would stay at their job longer if their organization invested in their development.2 These surveys highlight the need for companies to invest in development in order to keep talent within their organization.

Benefits of professional development


First and foremost, investing in professional development for employees helps to create a positive work environment. When employees are given the opportunity to develop their skills, they become more engaged and enthusiastic about their work. They also gain a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from their accomplishments. This in turn leads to increased productivity and improved customer service.

Stay up-to-date

Secondly, professional development can help employees stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends and technologies. This enables them to be more efficient and effective in their roles. It can also help them stay ahead of the competition and stay abreast of changes in the marketplace.

Helps retention

Thirdly, professional development helps to retain valuable employees. When employees feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to stay with the organization. This can help to reduce costly employee turnover and ensure that the organization has a steady stream of qualified and experienced staff.

Attractive to potential top talent

Finally, investing in professional development can make an organization more attractive to potential recruits. People who are interested in working with an organization that offers opportunities for growth and development are more likely to apply. Overall, investing in professional development for employees is an important part of any organization’s success. It can help to create a positive work environment, keep employees up-to-date on the latest industry trends, retain valuable employees, and make the organization more attractive to potential recruits. Investing in professional development should be a priority for any organization looking to stay competitive and successful in today’s business environment.

How to select people for professional development?


Since it takes an investment of both time and money to provide professional development, it’s crucial that resources are being directed to the right people. One way to help make that decision is by administering leadership assessments to identify people that display behaviors consistent with those of successful leaders.

When looking for a leadership assessment tool, you should be looking for research-based, statistically valid assessment software that returns objective results.

1 Gallup. “Workplace: What millennials want from work and life.” Retrieved on March 29, 2019 from: https://www.gallup.com/workplace/236477/millennials-work-life.aspx

2 LinkedIn. “2018 workplace learning report.” Retrieved on March 5, 2019 from https://learning.linkedin.com/resources/workplace-learning-report-2018#


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